Everyone loves zombies, and it’s safe to say we’ve all spent some time capping the undead before, if only in our dreams. Left 4 Dead presents the most satisfying zombie massacre-ing experience out there. The game puts you in the shoes of one of four survivors: biker dude Francis, hardened vet Bill, college student Zoey, and corporate office guy Louis. Plot? Who needs a plot? Zombies are everywhere, shoot them in the head! There’s no time for a story when there are zombies to kill! The four missions in L4D are structured like mini-horror films and take the survivors through a hospital, a rural train yard, an airport, and farm country with each mission divided into five sections with an extraction point on the final map. Only, once you make the call for evacuation, you’ll have a good ten minutes to fend off everything the game can throw at you until help arrives.